
Hey there, it’s nice to meet you - I'm Becca.

I’m a wife, mom, and kindergarten teacher. I have a passion for all things related to home life. When I’m not teaching, you can find me sewing, quilting, embroidering, gardening, baking, watercolor painting, and trying to take pretty pictures of everything I do.

Quilting, Embroidering,gardening, baking,and taking pretty pictures along the way


Quilting is my passion!

I’m on a mission to teach my friends to sew and quilt. Let’s be friends and I’ll teach you. Follow HomeIsWhereMyStoryBegins on Instagram and click the link, below, to sign up for my newsletter.

A Few Facts

I started quilting in my early 20’s and I’ve never stopped!

I love learning. I would be a professional student,if I could.

I’m a bit of a fabric snob and I prefer shopping at my Local Quilt Shop.

Ross Family Christmas 2020-33


Things I love the Most

My family, being home, hobbies, pets, homemaking


Favorite Food

Warm cookies, freshly baked bread, and summertime berries


My Guilty Pleasure

Warm cookies… duhhh!


what I do for fun

I love my hobbies and would be perfectly happy staying home all day.

“Home is the nicest word there is.”

-Laura Ingalls Wilder

Working full time AND homemaking

I’ve always considered myself a homemaker, even though I’ve also been a teacher for all of my adult life. I’ve always worked outside of the home but I LOVE showing my family how much I care for them by baking for them and wrapping them in Quilty love.