Backyard Garden Tour

Oh, if the rain would only stop!  I’m ready for some dry weather and planting season.  I want to plant my window baskets, get some fresh herbs growing, and do some relaxing in the sunshine.  I spend every waking moment in my garden, when the weather cooperates.  My wish for some spring-like weather had me browsing through some old garden posts that I’ve written on my blog.

Are you ready for the garden tour?  Keep in mind that my yard looks nothing like this right now.  It’s currently in a muddy, mucky, can’t-imagine-anything-worse, kind of place.

Here we go:

Do you open your doors and have a backyard party at the drop of a hat? Are you the first person to invite friends over for a Bar-B-Que when the weather warms up? I love to watch shows like Landscape Smart and Landscapers Challenge. As the designers ask questions, the homeowners usually say things like, “Well, we love to entertain.” Do they really like to entertain? Or do they just like the idea of entertaining?

I really do love to entertain, but I will admit that it causes panic attacks and crabby mom syndrome in the days leading up to a party. I find that I hold off on inviting people over because my house or my yard isn’t “done”. Well, NEWS FLASH… it will probably never be “done”. There will always be something more I’d like to do or a messy project I’m right in the middle of.

So, here’s my yard. I’m throwing open my doors and inviting you to my backyard party. (If you all lived closer, I’d invite you over for real.) I didn’t mow the lawn for you. Heck, I didn’t even sweep off the deck.

Here’s the view as you come in the house. I love my little benches out front. I made the pillows this year, out of Sunbrella outdoor fabric. My hydrangeas are finally in bloom. I just added some True Blue to the soil, which will turn these into… well, true blue.

We spend quite a bit of time out on our deck. We bought the outdoor set at Target, a few years back. Our deck is fairly shady, so it makes a nice place to take a break on a hot summer day.

Our deck extends down the length of the backside of the house. Ahhh, this is one of my favorite spots to sit and watch the kids play in the yard.

Here’s the view from the deck.

When we moved in, this area inside the brick retaining wall was empty. I had no idea what to plant in this large space. After living with the empty space for a year, we decided this would be the perfect spot for a vegetable garden. We built a path out of rocks that were already in the yard. This space sits empty for a good portion of the year, but it makes us so happy in the summer. The kids loved digging the potatoes.

In addition to veggies, I have quite a few flowers in the garden as well.

These little guys don’t grow as well as my mom’s, but they give us a little summertime snack.

I’ve always thought I needed a window box on my cute little garden shed.  I haven’t gotten around to buying one yet, so I moved my old wagon over to the shed.  It adds a little “vintage” to the shed.

I had just repaired my wagon when a large branch fell on it and broke the wheels off again.  It’s not functional anymore.  It just looks cute.

I also added a potted hydrangea back behind my little plow. It hides the fact that we haven’t finished our wall and that the fence is falling down.

The Annabelle hydrangeas, on the side of the house, are my favorites.

I’m just loving my Country Gardens inspired shed.

In case you’ve never seen my “before” picture.  This is what the side yard looked like when we moved in.

Here’s the inspiration from Country Gardens:

Thanks for hanging out in the backyard with me. Stop by anytime. If I don’t answer the door, you know where to find me. I’m probably out back.

Happy gardening.  It’s almost here!


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