A Pretty Pillow

I’ve been looking for a pillow for the pretty chair in my dining room for about a year now.  When I made my new curtains last year, I also recovered the chair that sits in the corner.  It was one of those spur of the moment projects where the red and yellow toile fabric was just not cutting it anymore and I happened to have the perfect size of paint drop cloth to use on the chair.  The chair looked great but it certainly needed a little something else.  Creamish/tan fabric looks a little boring all by itself.

I emailed my friend Courtney, over at The Golden Boys and Me, and asked her where she finds her cute pillows.  She said she orders them through H&M.  I have never been to H&M and I would never have even thought to shop there online, so I was glad to have the suggestion.  I spotted this Herbs & Spices pillow and knew it would be perfect in my dining room!


I’m loving the charcoal gray!  It looks perfect against the drapery panels.


Don’t you just love the way a small change can just make the room?

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