Barnwood Heaven

Last week I posted about my new-found-need for barnwood. Well, it just so happened that we were scheduled to take a trip to Eastern Washington, to my cousin’s farm. He’s a hay farmer in Kittitas.

(The kids loved the biggest sprinklers EVER.)

Such a cute farmhouse. This was the house my uncle was raised in. We always called it Grandpa’s House. Well, when Grandpa passed away, my cousin and his wife moved in. They have totally remodeled the house, inside and out. They have also just finished an addition which doubled the size of their living space. I see lots of Farmcations in my future.

Here’s the exciting news. Back behind the barn, what do you suppose might be stacked up? Yep, old barn wood!!!

I can’t wait to get started!

Here are the projects, in case you haven’t seen them.

I always end my posts with something like, “Happy gardening!”  Or maybe, “Happy baking.”  So today it seems best to end with this…

Happy picking through someone’s wood pile, hidden behind their old barn!

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The Comments

  • carol ann
    August 9, 2011

    I love your shelf, chest and door. Did you make all of them from barn wood?

  • gena
    August 9, 2011

    So much history in a piece of old wood… it's like the old saying: "If it could talk the stories it could tell !"

    I'm having a STINKY Give Away on Lavender Hill and I'd love for you to pop over and check it out !


  • Beverly@southernhomesweethome
    August 10, 2011

    Love your room! I think it is a wonderful house and barn. Not enough left.

  • Ellie
    August 10, 2011

    What a great resource! I've done a few projects with barn wood (cornice, sign, shadow boxes) and I love the rustic look. So fun!