Chipotle Mini Black Bean Tacos

This new recipe all started with a problem. Two days after Easter, when we were all getting really tired of ham and potato left overs, I stopped by the grocery store to buy something different. I decided to make my favorite pico de gallo. I gathered tomatoes, a white onion, some garlic, a jalapeno, a lime, and … hmmm, where did they move cilantro?

Um, excuse me, produce lady… do you have any more cilantro? Oh.  Well, how about organic or prepackaged? Nothing? No cilantro at all? But I already have everything else in the cart and my tasters are set for pico de gallo.

The produce lady couldn’t make any cilantro magically appear. So we had regular old tacos with some salsa I already had in the fridge.

A couple of days passed and my cilantro was back in stock. I made a batch of fresh pico de gallo, but we had already eaten tacos during the week. I had to get creative. We had a box of the chipotle black bean burgers, from Costco, in the freezer. They don’t taste anything like burgers. They have a true mexican flavor. There was a recipe on the side of the box for a clever little taco dish. I wasn’t in love with the recipe, but I did love the idea.

I cooked 3 black bean patties in the microwave and then cut them into little pieces.
Next I added a cup of shredded cheese.
I threw in a cup of my fresh pico de gallo and mixed it all together.
We always have tortillas in the freezer. I cut each tortilla into four sections.
A small scoop of the black bean mixture went into each mini tortilla.
I used a tooth pick to hold it together while it was cooking.
They cooked at 350 for about 8 minutes.
I topped them with a little more cheese and some more fresh pico de gallo.

This was one of the easiest meals I’ve made in a long time.  It was healthy, yummy, and the kids even liked it!  Give it a try!  I think you’ll really love this recipe.

Happy cooking!
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