Crispix Caramel Corn


This snack is dangerously addictive and not very healthy.

I first tried this staffroom-hit-Crispix-mix many years ago, when my friend Elaine would bring it to school on treat day.  Yum. Eventually Elaine packed up all of her toys and moved to a new school, taking her yummy Crispix mix with her.  At my new school, Tamara is the Crispix mix queen.  You can always count on a big batch of this yummy deliciousness on her treat day.

This is Elaine’s recipe, but I’m sure Tamara’s is close.  It’s all just butter and sugar anyway.

Melt 1 pound of butter in a sauce pan.  (Yes, you read that right.  I told you it wasn’t healthy.)
Add 3/4 Cup corn syrup. (If you don’t have corn syrup on hand, call your sister in law.  She’ll drop it off for you.  She’s that nice.)
Add 1/2 tsp baking soda.
Add 2 tsp vanilla
Add 2 cups brown sugar.
Stir and cook until glossy.

Meanwhile, start popping popcorn.  I usually make 4-6 bags of light butter popcorn.
Line two REALLY BIG roasting pans with foil.  (You’ll thank me for that later.)
Spray a little cooking spray at the bottom.
One full box of Crispix goes into each pan.
Add 2 or 3 bags of popcorn to each pan.
Throw in a few almonds if anyone in your house likes them. They make it kind of pretty.
Pour the sticky deliciousness from the pan, all over the popcorn/crispix mixture and stir it up.
Bake at 225 for 1 hour.  Stir every 15 minutes.

Package some of the popcorn in a cellophane bag, tie it with a pretty ribbon, and take it to the sister-in-law who saved the day with the corn syrup.  She and her family will thank you.

Happy nibbling!  I dare you to have just one handful.

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The Comments

  • hannah
    January 20, 2011

    Umm….this is why I do NOT miss Snack Wednesday at school. At all. This delicious snack always did me in!!

  • Farah Muzaffar
    January 20, 2011

    Wowww Becca, I dont know why I plan to diet I start finding good and delicious thing hmmm it looks so tempting … should I go for it ????????? Hmm I think YES after all I have a hubby and two kids who loves it… Thanks for sharing…