Dear Martha,
I must admit, I’ve been thinking about unsubscribing to your magazine. Some of your ideas lately have been, well…. quirky and kind of lame.
Remember that how to patch your sweater idea? Martha, I’m never going to put polkadot patches on my sweaters.
There have been other dumb ideas, but that was the one that stood out in my mind.
Then your July issue of Living came in the mail. Martha, you have redeemed yourself! This issue is packed with the BEST ideas I have seen in a long time. I put little sticky notes on my favorite pages. I love this issue so much that I think I’m going to save it! (Usually, I take them to my kindergarten classroom and let the kids cut them up for pictures.)
I loved the cookies on your cover! I make sugar cookies for just about every holiday. When I saw your pinwheels, I knew they had to be my 4th of July cookie.

Thanks for the inspiration, Martha. I’m glad you are back to your old standard. I’ll keep subscribing to your magazine. I’m sorry I doubted you.
Happy 4th of July!
The Comments
Gail @ Faithfulness Farm
LOL—I too loved this issue and have been left scratching my head at some ideas — the patched sweater is a good example of that. YOUR cookies turned out wonderful 🙂