I love filling my home with things that have history. I don’t spend a lot of time shopping antique and thrift stores. (Although I wish I had the time and money to browse antique stores.) Most of my treasures come from family members, so I really appreciate the history behind these pieces.
When my grandma moved to assisted living, there were more books than we knew what to do with. I saved many of the older books to display in my house.
The pocket watches belonged to my step-dad and grandpa. I love holding something in my hand that they held onto for so many years.
This sewing machine was in a corner of my parents’ garage for years, before it found a home in my craft room.
There is nothing more meaningful than holding your great-grandmother’s Bible. There are even handwritten notes inside from church services and Bible studies.
When we were going through my grandma’s old suitcases, we opened one and found her wedding dress and my grandpa’s WWII army uniform. Many years before, she told us she had thrown them away because they were tattered. It was amazing to find them in perfect condition inside a suitcase in her garage.
The flower garden quilt is from my husband’s side of the family. His grandma sent it home with me after a visit to her house. It is very tattered, but I just have the good part of the quilt poking out of the basket. The star quilt was made my great grandmother.
This one was made my great grandmother and my great, great grandmother as a wedding gift for my grandparents. The patterned fabric was made from old shirts and dresses. They didn’t have a lot of money and they used the scraps they had available.
I can’t say I purposefully fill my home with antiques. I don’t seek them out, scour thrift shops, or shop ebay for a great deal. I fill my home with these treasures because each piece has a story.
What story does your home tell?
The Comments
What lovely treasures…my home if filled with many things that belonged to my dear family as well 🙂
Costco Home Store, my home is not quite as interesting. I take that back, if some of the pieces in my home could talk… many (as you know) have been reincarnated from curbside trash or thrift stores and garage sales. I may not have the pieces that carry family history, but many of mine have their own story to tell I'm sure!
Side story:
For those of you who don't know, Heather (above) is my sister. That quilt that our great grandma made (green star quilt) previously lived at my sister's house. I traded her the quilt for a cool old trunk we found on the side of the road on garbage day. It was a win-win. She got the roadside find she wanted for a coffee table and I got grandma's quilt. So, when she says that her house has many pieces that were once curbside trash, it's true. But they are really GOOD pieces of trash!
what wonderful accessories for your home!!
beautiful! I have treasures through my home too, people that aren't sentimental see it as junk but I see it as treasured sweet memories
Piorra Maison
What a lovely story. Family heirlooms are precious. A wonderful surprise finding your grandmothers wedding dress. I am your newest follower and I hope you can drop by and follow my blog.