Well, my kids have been doing the countdown for about the last 25 days. They’ve been so excited for Halloween. (Show me a kid who isn’t excited for Halloween.)
We carved our pumpkins over the weekend. I had grand, Pinterest-inspired, plans for my pumpkin. As soon as I got out the glitter, my youngest wanted to help. So, like a good mom, I abandoned my plan and let her glitter up my pumpkin after she was done carving her own.

I was so happy with the kids’ costumes this year. My daughter found a $3.00 cat jumpsuit at a garage sale last spring. We added some ears, a tail, and a nose. She’s thrilled with her costume and I’m thrilled with the price!
My son couldn’t decide what he wanted to be for Halloween. Jokingly, I said, “You could be a Frito bag, like I was when I was 10.” He jumped at that offer! When I told him he could go get the costume out of the garage, he was thrilled that I wasn’t kidding. My mom had made me a Frito bag out of felt, one year when I was 10, and we just happened to have the box it was stored in. My son came in from the garage and tossed it into the wash. The 30 year old felt didn’t hold up so well and the whole thing fell apart. He was just about in tears and I said, “We’ll be able to make a new one.” I just happened to have made a trip to the fabric store the week before and purchased a boat load of felt. I had every color he needed. My mom was watching the kids after school the next week, so my son and my mom went to work on the costume. Pretty cool, huh?