I’ve never made it a secret. There are a few foods that I love.
Chocolate (Well, who doesn’t love chocolate?)
And strawberries. (Honestly, I eat them EVERY day of my life.)
I’m the type of person who finishes lunch, and immediately craves a piece of chocolate. It runs in my family. My mom and sister are the same way. It’s funny because there are people who say they are just like that, and people who have no idea what I’m talking about.
So, over the past few weeks I’ve been dealing with kidney issues. I’ve had constant infections, a couple of minor surgeries, and lots of time to sit and rest. (I’m kind of tired of sitting and resting.) It turns out, my kidneys can’t process oxylates. My doctor shared this information with me at my last appointment.
Which foods have oxylates in them, that I should eliminate from my diet?
The doctor started the list:
hmmmm… so far this sounds ok. I’ve lived 37 years without those. Don’t think I’ll miss them. I was little disappointed as the list continued:
(I cook with this a lot.)
(Um, meat? I didn’t sign up to be a vegetarian!)
Then came the really bad news:
peanut butter
(That last one was the kicker!)
At this point my husband asked the doctor, “Are you planning on living with her?”
No more chocolate chip cookies.
Remember the salted caramel shortbread bars?

The ultimate killer… no more peanut butter and chocolate TOGETHER. I loved those peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.
And that really was a darn good chocolate cake!
As sad as I am to give up chocolate, giving up strawberries is almost like a death sentence. I LOVE my berries. Fortunately, Biringer Farm also has raspberries, and those aren’t on my “don’t eat” list.

I can’t tell you how much I’ll miss my daughter’s Cook-A-Doodle-Doo strawberry shortcake.
My mom actually sent me a sympathy card. (For real.) I got a good laugh about that, but it still doesn’t take the pain away.
I love you little Biringer Farm berries. I’ll come pick you and make you into jam for gifts. I’ll eat up your little sisters the raspberries instead!
The Comments
Aw, so sorry Becca, really! We also had to change our entire way of eating due to kidney issues so if you need any tips, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I'm so sorry. Think of the bright side. The drawer in your kitchen dedicated to only chocolate can now be used for something else! Organizing makes you happy, right? Happy organizing!
Pam - @diy Design Fanatic
So sorry Becca. I've also read that with kidney/oxalate issues you should drink lots of water & have a high fiber diet. I've read that magnesium helps prevent calcium from combining with oxalate. Non fermented soy, soybeans and soy-based foods may have high levels of oxalates, as well. Do some reading other than what your doctor has told you. Wish I knew 12 years ago what I know today. I might have been able to avoid a whole lot of trouble.
Diane at Perfectly Imperfect Life
oh NO! I can't even imagine. Don't suppose this is just a temporary thing until your kidneys recover and then you can have chocolate and strawberries in moderation?
wow! So hard! That list would be really hard for me to give us as well. Hope your adjustment to you new food list goes okay.!
I can sympathize with you. I am supposed to avoid eating chocolate, peanut butter, & seeds (including sesame oil, so no chinese take-out for me anymore). It is really hard to avoid chocolate when my kids love chocolate chip cookies. And no chocolate cake?! I am so sorry. I know just how you feel.