Lovin’ My All-Clad

In the past 15 years, I think I have replaced my non-stick pans about 15 times.  Every Christmas I put a set on my wish list, because the previous year’s has gotten too scratched to use.  This Christmas, I made a better choice.  This year, I asked my family for William Sonoma gift cards for Christmas and bought myself some All-Clad. 

If you’re not familiar with All-Clad, then you need to get out from under your box. I mean, you should talk to the sales ladies at William Sonoma.  There is a lifetime guarantee on these pans! Even though this pan cost as much as 15 years worth of pans, I will NEVER have to replace it!

It’s almost too pretty to use. I think I might be in love.

The first thing I cooked in my omelette pan was, of course, an omelette.  I have to say I was impressed with the way the omelette cooked and slid off the pan when I was done.

Breakfast is served!
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The Comments

  • Kristi
    January 17, 2011

    I LOVVVEEEEE All Clad! Some day, I'm going to buy myself a set, I swear!!! I only use nonstick frying pans and the rest of my pots and pans are stainless steel (going on 12 yrs old!). LOVE them! They are from Macy's, tools of the trade.
    I'm sure you know this, but always, ALWAYS use plastic utencils in your nonstick pans, and never use brillo pads or abrasives, other than the abrasive side of your sponge!
    Good luck with your new set, they are beauties! 🙂

  • Teresa
    January 18, 2011

    I have been under a rock, because I haven't heard of the wonders of All-Clad. I am ready to break up with my non-stick though, so maybe now's the time to join the party! Anything from Williams Sonoma makes my heart go pitter pat.

  • Val
    January 18, 2011

    I love All-Clad. This pan looks amazing. Your blog is great! New Follower!!!!! Happy Tuesday!

  • Denise
    January 23, 2011

    Rock dweller here too- I will have to look into these pans.