Memorial Day Weekend, 2011

Last year I shared some photos of our trip to a small town in Washington State.  My husband’s grandma lives in the smallest town I’ve ever seen.  It’s over in Eastern Washington, near Spokane.  Click here to see photos I took last year.

This is the town.  When I took the picture, I was standing at Great Grandma’s house, looking down toward town.  Sadly, only one of these buildings is occupied.  Otherwise, it’s like a ghost town.  Most of the buildings are boarded up and the brick is crumbling off the sides of the buildings.  I would love to have seen life in this tiny town when the hotel was still occupied and the opera house was the place to be on Saturday night.

It’s about a 6 hour drive for us, but on Memorial Day weekend we can always count on it being a bit longer.  We ran across a few storms on the way over, which produced many amazing rainbows.

See that little dot out there in the distance?  That’s Harrington.  Don’t blink, or you’ll miss it!

For $155,000 this beautiful old Victorian home could be yours! There is a part of me, which really longs to live in a small town, where life is a little slower paced.

Happy Memorial Day!

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The Comments

  • craftycreative
    May 30, 2011

    What a beautiful small town. Such a shame it's not as active as it could be. The victorian home is such a deal and so beautiful. Happy Memorial Day!

  • Splurgie
    May 30, 2011

    I have always loved the idea of a small town but, in reality, I don't think I could live in one. I guess it's what you're used to.