My New Hobby of Photography

There are so many amazing photographers out there. I’m not one of them, but I can’t write a post about photography without including any actual photos. I have so much to learn about photography, but here are a few of my favorite photos that I’ve taken over the last year.

I’ve always loved taking pictures. My poor children know this to be all too true. Last summer, on a family trip, the cousins were out running through the fields of my cousin’s farm. Not my children. They were posing by the barn and in the hay fields for their Christmas card photo. I can still hear myself saying, “You’ll be done faster if you just act like you like each other for two minutes!” The Christmas card turned out perfect and it really only took less than five minutes.

Since I’ve been introduced to the blogging world, I’ve been so inspired by the photography! I really don’t know how the bloggers out there know how to craft, decorate, cook, create, write eloquently, and take pictures like professional photographers.

I love Karla’s blog banner.
She always uses different angles to take her pictures. She also takes terrific close up shots. I’ve been trying do this. I learned how to make a blog banner in Photoshop. Now I have three pictures in my blog header instead of one big picture. You’ll also notice in most of my posts I have a few really close up shots, because that’s what Karla would do.

Sarah always has warm and cozy photos. Her photos are right up my alley. When she wrote about taking pictures for her blog I paid careful attention.
I never knew that turning off the flash would have such a dramatic impact!

I’ve recently found Becca’s blog. It caught my attention because she’s a Becca too. Now that I’ve found it, I’m a daily reader. I LOVE the light and bright close up photos that she has used for her blog header. That’s my goal for spring and summer, when it’s a little brighter in my house. I’m going to try stepping out of my warm and cozy box and try to do a few light and bright photos.

Here are a few other blogs with amazing photos:

I’m thinking about taking this online photography class! Oh, it sounds like so much fun! I’m not sure the $150 class fee is in this part time teacher’s budget right now, but we’ll see. Maybe that money tree will start sprouting!

Oh, and I can’t forget my favorite author, Scott Kelby.
His books are hilarious and not too technical. He writes like he’s talking to you. He tells you to change your settings to this, this, and this, and then take the picture. When I follow his directions I usually end up with a really great picture. Then I try it on my own and forget everything I’ve just learned, but I’ll keep practicing. For now, my kids are happy that I’m taking pictures of things around the house instead of them!

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The Comments

  • kim
    April 7, 2010

    Becca, sorry you still have lousy weather. We are getting ready to get back to more normal temps. Rain on Thursday and then cooler. We broke records today. 86 on April 6 is not normal. I am like you. Love taking pictures and trying to get better at it. My new camera came with no instructions so I am going to have to get a book or order a manual or take a course.

  • helenabelle
    April 7, 2010

    You should check out . I am in no way affiliated with her nor do I even know Ree(other than reading her blog) but she has an entire section devoted to photography. She is quite the photographer and is always giving tutorials. 🙂

  • Mary
    April 7, 2010

    The colors in your pictures are beautiful! I'm just using a cheap ($70) digital, but since I've started blogging, would love to get a decent camera.