Organizing Art Supplies for The Kids

I’ve been on an organizing kick since school let out for the summer.  The weather is terrible anyway, so I figured that I might as well get as much indoor work done as I can before the sun comes out.  So far, I’ve gone through my closet, my kids’ closets, my son’s entire room, the pantry, old games and electronics, and the bookshelves in the family room.  Whew.  I’m tired, just thinking about it. 

One of my first organizing projects was the kids’ art cubby.  We have one of those awkward cabinets on the back side of the kitchen cabinets.  A few years ago, we converted this to the kids’ art cubby.  It’s right by the kitchen table, so it’s the perfect place to store art supplies.  Well, it was absolutely overflowing with art supplies.  I couldn’t even close the cupboard doors, but with all of the craziness of the end of the school year, there was no way I could get my act together and reorganize this area.

My kids use this cupboard all the time.  My son only uses it when he has an assignment to complete, but my daughter pulls out art supplies almost daily.  An organized space makes it so much easier.  We have bins for watercolor paints, washable paint, stickers, light table and tracing supplies, markers, gel pens, drawing pencils, and card making supplies.


I also restocked the writing center with notepads, envelopes, paper, cards, and premade blank books. My daughter and her cousin started writing a book, within about 5 minutes of noticing the newly organized writing center.

I love having the time to get my home organized again.

Happy organizing!

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The Comments

  • Anonymous
    October 14, 2012

    This is nice! Where did the white jar/containers that the markers are in come from? They are the perfect size.