Photography Funk

It happens every year, right about this time.  I get in a bit of a photography funk.  It’s usually pretty dark and dreary in the Pacific Northwest, during November.  When the light doesn’t cooperate, it’s just not as much fun.  Today, I decided I’d share a few photos from my files that I just really love, for one reason or another. 

Who can resist a well worn saddle? I really wish I lived on a farm so I’d have an excuse to own a horse.

The bowl of Biringer Berries is one of my favorites because I can almost taste them!  Sometimes, when I need a little inspiration, I’ll browse Flikr.  I saw a  bowl of berries, with the green grass in the background, and decided to try to do something similar on my own. 

The watercolor paint picture was one of my first attempts at understanding what the whole F-stop thing is.  I was so thrilled with myself when I figured out how to blur out the background and still keep the color and brightness in the photo. 

Nothin’ better than a home grown tomato!  That’s all I need to say about that one.

My little red wagon sits in front of my shed.  Chippy paint always makes a great photo.

I can’t tell you how long I sat, in the circle in Seaside, waiting for the perfect moment to snap this photo.  I love the way the sun in centered but the people walking are off center.  Something about this one just feels right. 

As I was going through photos of our annual Seaside trip today, I noticed that I had taken about 900 pictures of our five days at the beach.  No wonder it’s taken me four months to go through them all!  This one is from two years ago, but I still love it.  I just printed it to put in my daughter’s room.  I used an action from Paint the Moon to give it that soft, pastel, feel.

Here’s one of my all time favorites!  I just love shadow pictures on the side of the barn. 

Again, I was loving the Bokeh (fuzzy background) and having fun with my 50mm lens.


I kind of thought that sharing some of my favorite photos would help with my photography funk, but now I just want to go on vacation, eat berries, and buy a horse.
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Hmmm.  Maybe I’ll find better inspiration on Flikr.

Happy picture taking!

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The Comments

  • Courtney Sweet
    November 18, 2013

    That berry one makes me want a strawberry! The shadow on the barn is awesome. Great shots.