Pinterest Inspired Decorating

I’ve been pinning again.  I’ve also been browsing through some of my pins on my Favorite Place and Spaces board.

I love the natural materials and a touch of black in the stools.
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This is Sarah Richardson’s entry.  Is there anything we don’t love about Sarah? I am really trying to make my entry look like Sarah’s.
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This is a beautiful room by Red Door Home. I love how soft and comfy this room looks.

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Pottery Barn craft room… yes please!
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Here’s a beautiful room by Candice Olson.  Again, it’s just soft and cozy.
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I think this has to be one of my all-time-favorite spaces!  I love the pillows, the fireplace, the red accents, natural materials, neutral colors, and so much more.  Their books even look good!

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These were some of my favorite places and spaces. Click here to take you to my Pinterest page, if you’d like to go to the origin of the photos.  After looking through them again, I was kind of surprised.  Did you notice the wall color in all of those spaces?  They all have white walls.  Now, I’m sure none of these designers picked up plain white paint and slapped it on their walls.  I’m sure there are putty/whites, sandy/whites, and grayish/whites.  But, they all look pretty white!

I’ve always been a fan of paint. Our powder room is chocolate brown.  The master bath is painted bunt orange.  In our old house, we painted the kitchen and family room a deep, dark, red.  I find it really fascinating that the spaces I love the most are WHITE!

I’m thinking our family room needs some white paint.  I see some updating in my future.
Family Room

Happy decorating!

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The Comments

  • Comeca Jones
    November 3, 2011

    I love this post because of your home I have been inspired to add red touches in my living area and kitchen I hope you dont mind that I do a link back with my next weeks post. I love your style!

  • nannykim
    November 15, 2011

    Oh, I love that red door picture and the curtains in it! luscious!