Silpat – A Great Product

I swear by my Silpat baking mat. I use it EVERY SINGLE time I bake cookies.

When I was baking cookies for our 4th of July picnic, I really didn’t have time to wait for my baking sheet to cool. I decided I’d bake the first batch on my Silpat mat, and I’d just have to bake the second batch on a regular cookie sheet. It couldn’t hurt, right?

Well, it was like a little science experiment. The cookie on the right was baked on my Silpat for 8 minutes. The cookie on the left was baked on a regular cookie sheet for 8 minutes. Although I don’t think the cookie on the left looks too done, I ended up a little crispy. It just wasn’t quite as soft as the cookie baked on the Silpat.

There you have it. If you have been losing sleep at night, wondering if you should buy a Silpat baking mat, the answer is YES. Go buy one and then we’ll all be able to sleep at night.

The 4th of July cookies turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

Happy baking!

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