Starting A Blog – Where to Begin

Over the past few weeks I’ve been feeling consumed with clutter.  The contents of my pantry are still covering my dining room floor and table, I have piles of toys ready to go to my sister’s toy drive, and I still haven’t finished clearing the clutter from the makeover we did on my daughter’s room.  Well, to make things worse, I decided to start going through some old magazines that I have been hoarding saving for those days when I want to revisit beautiful photos.  I have a pile of Artful Blogging magazine that I decided I needed to take to a friend who is considering starting a blog.
Running across these magazines reminded me of the great inspiration they provide, especially when you are first beginning a blog.  Many of the articles, written by bloggers, describe the process of blogging, photography, writing, and managing it all.  
It’s always the photos that draw me in.  I absolutely strive to become a photographer like these ladies, but I know that I am no where near close.  I’ve saved these because I really enjoy looking back at the photography, but in reality it just doesn’t happen.  I spend a week reading the articles and drooling over pictures and then set it aside.  

Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey was the book I bought when I was first considering a blog.  It’s a few years old now, but still has a lot of good information and plenty of blog suggestions to check out.

If I were going to buy a book today, I would probably buy Building a Framework: The Ultimate Blogging Handbook.  I haven’t read the book, but I think it would be worth looking into if I were starting from scratch.  I think these are all good resources, friends!  How about it?  Any of you considering starting a blog?
Happy blogging!

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