The New Family Room Couch

Well, we finally did it.  We bought the piece of furniture that we said we’d go back for 3 years ago. 

It’s probably been more than 3 years, now, but a few years back we decided it was time for an update in our family room.  The room had been painted yellow and housed over-sized, 10 year old, denim couches that had been slip-covered and had seen better days.  It was time for an update and we found the perfect (small-ish) couch at La-Z-Boy.  We ordered a custom color because I loved the fabric and I was actually surprised that the custom color was the same price at the floor sample.  It has really been the perfect couch, but we didn’t buy the matching loveseat.  The loveseat was the same price as the sofa, so we just went with one piece to save a bit on cost.  We used a couple of chairs, that I had originally purchased for another room, in place of a couch and just pushed them together so it looked like a loveseat.  About a month ago, we decided it was time to go back and buy the loveseat.  My fear was that it would no longer be available.  Much to our luck, they still had it!
When we sat on the loveseat, we realized how small it was.  Because the couch was smaller than normal, that meant the loveseat was even smaller.  It was really more of an oversized chair.  Since they were almost the same price, we opted for buying an identical couch.  Now we have two matching couches in the family room, with plenty of seating for lots of friends.  It’s a little tighter, right when you walk in, than I had hoped, but no one seems to notice.

As a matter of fact, no one REALLY seemed to notice.  We had family and friends who are as close as family, over for the Seahawks game a few weeks ago and they didn’t even notice my new furntiture.  I pointed it out and they said, “Wow, it blends right in and looks like it belongs.  I didn’t even notice.”  I guess that’s a good thing when a piece of furniture just fits right in like that!

I finally feel like this room is furnished the way I want.  We have plenty of seating and I love these couches.  They are deep enough to curl up on but no so deep that you can’t get out of them.  They are also a bit smaller than a typical couch, which is great for a smaller family room.  Now, I need to do something about the tattered ottoman covers.  The corduroy fabric has seen better days and is even starting to rip.  Hey… I finished all of my projects in the LIVING ROOM, but I never said I was done with the FAMILY ROOM.  There’s always something that needs to be done.

Happy decorating!

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