Turkey Pot Pie Recipe

It’s almost time for turkey leftovers!  I made a chicken pot pie a few weeks ago, and one of my readers asked for the recipe.  It’s the perfect recipe to use up those turkey left overs.

I call this a semi-homemade recipe because:
1. Sandra Lee is my idol and she’s the semi-homemade Queen.
2. 30% store bought ingredients and 70% fresh ingredients. (Well, you could do it this way, but this time the percentages were reversed. Most of it is store bought.)


The recipe starts with Cream of Chicken soup. I made a double recipe, which is why I have two cans.

I make the filling first:
1 can of soup
Sprinkle in a little all purpose seasoning.
Add a touch of salt.
Open up a bag of mixed vegetable and heat ’em up.
Chop up some chicken. (Or you could use Thanksgiving turkey leftovers.)
If you like a thin pot pie filling, add a little chicken broth.

That’s it for the filling. You’ll notice that I don’t have exact measurements. I usually just throw in whatever I have on hand. It always turns out. I have to say, it’s REALLY good when you use turkey or chicken leftovers and fresh steamed veggies.  But, the “open the package” recipe is pretty good too.



I love homemade pie crust. I use the recipe that comes on the Crisco can. If you are not a fan of making pie crust, the store bought pie crust works well too. I’ve tried that, but don’t really like the texture. Make enough pie dough for the crust and top. Like I said, I made two pies. One was for dinner and one was for the freezer.


Pour the filling into the unbaked pie shell and then cover with the top crust.

I like to use a pie shield when I make chicken pot pie. It bakes for 40 minutes in a 400 degree oven. Without the pie shield,the edges get overly brown.


If you don’t have a pie shield, use some tin foil to cover the egdes.


And all I have to say is… yum.




Happy cooking and Happy Thanksgiving!

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