Remember this picture I shared from Country Gardens Magazine? This is my dream shed. I love the color, landscaping, and cottage feel.
This was the empty space where my hubby and I decided we could put a shed. It was an unused corner of our yard. This was the way it looked when we moved in. You could tell there was grass there at one time, but no plants or landscaping.
Phase one began last summer. We had to level out the ground, by digging down about two feet. Digging out two feet of clay is not an easy job. Phew, it’s a good thing “we” are strong. Ok, I’ll fess up. I don’t think I ever lifted a shovel during phase one. My hubby and 10 year old did this part on their own. Then “we” built a short retaining wall to hold the fence up.
We found this shed, online, at It was a screaming deal! It was under $1,000, with free delivery. If you’ve ever shopped for sheds, you know how expensive they can be.
Next, came paint. I thought a lovely lavender would be great…

Just kidding. That was just the primer. We actually went with a red shed and gray door, just the like the picture in the magazine.
This is what the shed area looked like on Friday morning:

Did you notice that the SUN is shining through the trees? It was a HUGE day in the Seattle area. Not only did we have sunshine, but we also hit 70 degrees! My hubby and I both took the day off, as did most office workers on this side of the state.
We borrowed my sister’s truck and brought in dirt and sod. It was a small area, so we didn’t need too much sod.
By the end of the day, phase 2 was complete. Phase 3 will be landscaping, but that will have to wait for a while.
Cooper really loves his new grass too.
If you’re still with me, you might be wondering why the title was about really expensive sod.
Well, we had a little mishap with the truck we borrowed from my sister.
Apparently, it was a diesel truck. Unleaded gas doesn’t work so well in a diesel. For the record, even the tow truck driver looked all around for any sign that said DIESEL. Nothing. I don’t foresee my new landscape happening in the near future. We now have a truck repair to pay for.
At least we’re one step closer to the dream.

The Comments
Oh, so sorry to read this. It should be impossible to put regular gas in a diesel tank! Different size nozzle or something. Hopefully it won't require too much money.
love your dream picture & glad to see it coming to pass, I have a dream picture for my little house out in the front yard as well, awww one day soon! LOL
Emily {Frilly Details}
Ok, this is totally our story too!! We've been relandscaping our yard and laid sod this weekend (ugh). We had a little mishap with my in-laws truck and we now owe them a new tailgate. So our already expensive landscaping project turned into a REALLY expensive project. Not fun at all!
Your shed is beautiful!! Love the red paint!
Sorry about the truck, but the sod looks great. That shed is adorable. I've been trying to convince my husband that we need one. I'll have to show him your pics.
The shed and the sod look beautiful! Thank you for fixing my truck. I'm sorry it didn't have "Diesel" anywhere. :/ I'm taking my label maker and putting a label inside the gas cap door right away.
I found your blog through a search for cloche decorating for the summer…I had to check out more of your blog and love, love this shed…I'm your newest follower and can't wait to see the end result! Sorry to also read about the diesel truck…that will cost a pretty penny to get that fixed…
Sky {Capital B}
Oh, your shed looks amazing! So sorry about the truck issue- my husband had an employee of his do that with our pressure washer- not fun. What you've done already is terrific- hope it keeps making you smile!