8th Grade Photography Class

My son is taking 8th Grade Photography as his elective this quarter, and his mommy couldn’t be more thrilled!  I live my life with a camera around my neck and the kids often complain that I take too many pictures.  My son signs up for photography and, all of a sudden, he can’t get enough of it!!
I’ve been finding pictures on my camera card every time I pull them up.  I have to say, they are pretty good! Take a look.

Let me tell you, friends, that he’s shooting in manual and doesn’t even need a tutorial before he goes out.  He sets white balance, ISO, and plays with shutter speed and exposure.  Ummm, I think I had to take several photography courses before I was confident enough to do this! 

By the way, those are root beer bottles for the cowgirl birthday party.  We didn’t serve them beer.  
One last funny story:
In response to a conversation about The Golden Hour, my son told his teacher that this hour is also known as, “The time my mom yells at us to hurry up and change our clothes and get ready because she’s losing her lighting.”
Yep, I’m creating fabulous memories for my kids!
Happy picture taking!

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The Comments

  • Courtney@Golden Boys and Me
    September 24, 2014

    What a great post, Becca! Your son definitely has natural photography skills. My middle guy (also in 8th grade) is considering photography for one of his electives later in the year, but my oldest refuses to take a class in it. I think my obsession with pictures has ruined it for him 🙁 Tell your son to keep up the great work!!

  • Hannah Elvrum
    September 24, 2014

    I would have LOVED to take a photography class. Lucky boy.

  • Mimi
    September 27, 2014

    What wonderful pictures–he definitely has an eye for great photography! That is such a great idea for an elective class. Thanks for sharing!