A Decent Meal

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, you know that I love to spend time in my kitchen.  I’ve always felt like food is a gift I can give to my family.  It makes me so happy to cook a yummy meal, from scratch, and feed my family.  It’s the way I grew up and I hope my kids will enjoy cooking and enjoying meals their own families some day. 

Big old home cooked meals have always been a family tradition that my hubby and I both enjoyed growing up.  The other night, when my kids were at a movie, I made dinner.  It didn’t take too long, maybe 30 minutes of kitchen time, and it was all ready by the time they got home.  I made cheesy chicken enchiladas, that my mother in law and my sister in law make.

I tried a new recipe for homemade ranch dressing. 
The kids thought it was a little strong, but I LOVED it.

For dessert, there was a s’mores tart. Yum!

I only had a bite of the dessert, since I’m not supposed to eat chocolate anymore.  (boo!)

As we were sitting down to eat I said, “I really love being able to make a decent meal for my family.  It just makes me happy.”

My hubby’s response was, “So, when are you going to do that?”
(Those of you who know my hubby, know his sarcastic sense of humor.)

All joking aside,  I really do love cooking and having the confidence to try new things in the kitchen.  I can’t say all of my recipes are a hit with the family, but the kids good about giving constructive criticism in a kind way.

I’ll share the recipes later in the week.

Happy cooking!

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The Comments

  • Mama Sue
    July 18, 2012

    Oh Dear! I cant wait to see the recipes. It's 8:15 am and now I'm dying for enchiladas….oh well I am in Texas so it is a possibility.

  • Leslie
    July 18, 2012

    What a great meal!!! This would be a favorite of mine, too! *Licking my lips at the enchiladas right now*