A Few More Herbs

I woke up pretty early on Saturday morning.  The sun was out, so after a shower, I headed for the garden.  We didn’t need to leave the house until about 10:00, so I knew I’d have a few hours of quiet time to get a little yard work done.

I absolutely LOVE having a garden.  Herbs are probably my favorite things to grow.  I have several areas of my garden devoted to herbs, but this little box, on the deck, usually houses geraniums.  Well, I decided to shake things up a bit this year and plant herbs right by the back door.  It’s a pretty small box, so it wouldn’t fit too much.  I planted basil, parsley, and a few purple basil plants (which I have never tried before).

My mom gave me this box several years ago, as she was moving out of her house.  She found it in the back of the garage and knew I’d love it.  She was right!  I love cool old stuff. (My hubby tells me that it’s just someone else’s junk that they didn’t want, but I’ll stick with calling it cool old stuff.)

This was my last little project before cleaning myself up and heading out to do a few errands.  My whole garden had been weeded, new dirt had been added, and a few veggies had been planted  Ahhh, the peace and quiet of spending time in the garden.

The peace and quiet was suddenly broken by my son threatening to shoot his father with his Air Soft gun, and his father threatening to soak him with the hose.  Long story short… one got pelted with plastic air soft pellets and the other was so wet that he had to change his clothes.  Good times!
(By the way, I’m the mom that was NEVER going to allow guns in her house. Ever. Now the boys run around my yard shooting each other and cracking up laughing about it.  Who wants to nominate me for Mother Of The Year?)

Happy peaceful gardening, friends.

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