Boxed Cake

It was my daughter’s 8th birthday last week and yesterday we hosted a family party for her.  I asked her what kind of dessert she wanted and here was her wish:
The birthday cake that you buy in a box that has sprinkles.
Chocolate frosting.
Then, that Oreo frosting that you squeeze out.
Oh, and an Oreo on top.
Well, it wouldn’t have my first choice.  So, we went to the store and bought a bunch of prepackaged cake stuff and got to work.  I think it was the fastest dessert I’ve ever made, but the kids (and their dads) loved it.  As a matter of fact, at one point I yelled, “Hold on, people!  You don’t fight like this over my home made desserts.  There’s more frosting in that Oreo tube.”
Who knew that I boxed cake and a tube of frosting would get everyone so excited!
Happy birthday to my little munchkin!

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The Comments

  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2012

    She's my kinda girl! Funfetti cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite kind of cake! ~Jenica

  • CAS
    August 28, 2012

    There's no accounting for good taste is there? LOL! These may be the same people who like Twinkies! Happy Birthday to your little daughter!

  • Gail @ Faithfulness Farm
    August 28, 2012

    LOL — someday they will pine for those homemade dessert 🙂

    Happy Birthday to your youngin 🙂
