Cake Pop Fail

It all started with a little foam I picked up at a garage sale for a quarter.

We were headed to a block party last weekend and I decided to make those cute little cake pops that my friends at school brought for treat time.  Remember those?

Well, they used a foam base with wrapping paper to stick the pops in, so they’d stand up like little soldiers.  So, when I scored my foam blocks for a quarter I thought I’d do the same little project.

Foam blocks covered in cute paper… check.

Cake baked… check.

Crumple cake… check.

Add frosting and smoosh together… check.

Candy that another friend at work gave me… check.

Helpers to melt candy over double boiler… check.

Make little balls and pop them into the freezer… che…well, I don’t really have time for that step since the party has already started.

We ended up pouring the melted candy over the tops of the little balls to save time, since we had to skip the freezer step.  My friends actually dipped the cake balls into the candy, but I knew that wouldn’t work since we had to skip the freezer step.  Still yummy, but way less cute that my friends’ version.

Still, they were gobbled up in about 3 minutes flat.  I guess it wasn’t that big of a FAIL, but certainly not as perfect as I had planned.

Happy baking!


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