Calzones for Dinner

If you don’t watch Pioneer Woman on the Food Network, you must start watching!  Every week she inspires me to try something new.  This week P-Dub made calzones.  I’ve made calzones many times before, but I usually make them like a pizza pocket.  P-Dub made a cheesy filling, added meat, and then had some sauce on the side for dipping.

Well, that sounded so yummy and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.  We took it one step further and broke out the calzone mold from William Sonoma.

 Ree (AKA P-Dub) uses frozen pizza dough and frozen roll dough to make it easier.  This isn’t exactly her recipe, but here’s what I did.  (When I cook, I tend to make things up as I go along and just throw in what Sounds yummy.)

We filled each calzone pocket with a cheesy mixture.

15 oz ricotta cheese
1 cup Parmesan cheese
2 cups mozzarella cheese
1 egg
handful of chopped parsley
1 tsp salt
dash of pepper

chopped Canadian Bacon
sliced black olives

I baked these at 400 for about 25 minutes.  I covered them with foil about half way through baking.

Serve with:
Marinara sauce or Alfredo sauce for dipping

Happy cooking!
Now, go record Pioneer Woman on Food Network.  You won’t be sorry.

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The Comments

  • ~Backroad Treasures~
    October 23, 2012

    I love her show, I have it on my dvr to tape every saturday… I also make calzones, but never like how she did, I am going to put it on my next menu for dinners… Thanks for the added suggestions to them I bet they were delish..

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