Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Winners Announced

Well, I’ll cut to the chase.  I’m not posting this from New York, at the Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards.  The judges did not select my blog as the best in the Lifestyle category.  I didn’t win the overall Reader’s Choice either, so I didn’t get to go to New York.  (Insert slightly pouty face here.)

I did win the Reader’s Choice for my category though!  That’s because I have terrific readers, friends, and family who voted and voted and voted.  I can’t tell you how happy it made me when people would see me and say, “I’ve been voting for you!  I really hope you win!”  So, if you voted, THANK YOU!

Even though I won for my category, I didn’t get to go to New York (only the overall Reader’s Choice winner and the judge selected winners got to go).  I was a bit bummed, because I really don’t think I will ever go to New York, and this was probably my one chance.  It’s all the way across the country, and if you don’t know me very well, I’m kind of a home body.  Driving into the big city of Seattle freaks me out!  So, I was a bit mopey, and it was my 11 year old who lifted my spirits when he said, “Even though you didn’t win, you’re still pretty cool.  You get to be on their website and maybe in their magazine.”

You know what?  He’s totally right!  It would have been the coolest thing to EVER happen if I had won, but let’s face it…. winning for my category IS the coolest thing to EVER happen to me.  How often do people get emails from their favorite magazine asking if they’d like to be featured?  Yep, I’d say that’s pretty cool.  (Hey, even my 11 year old thinks I’m cool!)

When Country Living asked for a photo of me, I asked my fabulous photographer friend, Hannah, to take my picture.  We probably looked like freaks, running around trying to find good lighting, while the kindergarteners were at recess.  We had 15 minutes to take a good picture.  This was my favorite.  Hannah even edited it for me.  (Thanks, Friend!!!)

If you’d like to read more about the winners and see my feature on their website, click here.
Thanks again for voting! 

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The Comments

  • Wendy Simonsen
    November 14, 2012

    You have plenty of time to win this in the future. You have a good solid fan base and in our minds you are the winner! Keep up the good work!

  • Mareen @
    November 15, 2012

    Congratulations! That is terrific! You should be very proud!

  • Carol
    November 15, 2012

    Kiddos always snap you back to reality. Congratulations!

  • Crystal
    November 15, 2012

    Congratulations!! That's awesome!!! You should be very proud!!