So, the conversation when something like this.
Ring, ring.
Me: Hello?
Leslie: Hey, do you have one of those mini crockpots for making dips?
Me: No, but I think my sister-in-law has one you could borrow.
Leslie: No, I don’t need to borrow one. I just bought one and you need to buy one too. It’s Crock-tober at Fred Meyer and it’s a great deal.
Me: What are you going to do with it?
Leslie: Fred Meyer is selling them for $10. Plus they have a 20% off coupon, AND a coupon for free Kraft caramels. Caramel apples for Halloween. (She says in a sing-songy voice.) I also have a great book on crockpot dips and appetizers. Ooooh… and fondue.
Me: Oh, yum! I’ll be heading out to get one of those!
That’s the sign of a true friend… one who knows your love of a great deal AND sweet and savory treats. Thanks for looking out for me Leslie!
One of the blogs I read, Jamie Cooks It Up, has a tutorial on how to make chocolate caramel apples. Click HERE to see it.
Happy Halloween!
The Comments
Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden
I love my big crockpot, but have never made anything sweet in it except mulled cider for a Christmas party.
I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for a small one. Have a great Sunday!
That's a really great deal! I have a big crockpot which I just love:) Caramel apples sound so good. Happy Halloween!
I use the mini crockpot to make the BEST yogurt. It's nothing like what we purchase in the stores as far as taste and digestibility goes.
I put two cups of whole milk into the minicrock and let it heat for two hours (mine has no controls, is preset). Then I turn if off and let it cool for about 1 1/2 hours (test on wrist. It should be just warmer than skin temp, around 112-118F. Not hot enough to burn but hot enough to think, "That's warm!" Remove skim on top, then stir in 2tbsps plain yogurt, put the lid back on, wrap in a towel and leave it at least 8 hours or overnight on the counter. The next morning you'll have a reasonably thick yogurt. Not sharp and tangy but GOOD.
Terri aka PennyAnnPoundwise