Not too much longer and I’m off to Dallas! A few weeks ago, my friends at LeapFrog contacted me and asked if I could sit on a panel of educators at the NAEYC conference. Those of you in education or with young kids at home may recognize NAEYC. It’s the National Association of Educators of Young Children. I happily agreed to go, as it’s a DREAM to be able to even attend the conference!
Well, one thing led to another, and soon after finding out I was able to go, I found myself not only slated to sit on a panel and share information, but now present content. Wow!! So, now I’m not just attending an AMAZING conference, but presenting at the conference! (Yes, I bought myself a pretty new outfit!)
I had to laugh a little when I received my itinerary because it included info about my driver. MY DRIVER! I was planning on printing out my coupon for parking and driving myself to SeaTac, but LeapFrog has other plans which involve a town car and driver. Seriously, how do I get so lucky?
My driver, flight, hotel, dinner, and conference fees have all been paid by LeapFrog. This is such an amazing opportunity for this (two thumbs pointing toward me) teacher. I did have to use all of my personal days and an unpaid day, but it’s a small price to pay, considering the opportunity and the cost that has already been covered.
I will bring my fancy-pants camera and let you know how it goes, friends! I found out that the hotel is very close to the spot JFK was shot and that there is a museum there. I’m hoping I get a chance to see the museum while I’m there.