Fabric Lemonade Stand

All Summer long, I saw the cutest Lemonade stands popping up on Pinterest.  Most of them were made of wood, painted, and made my heart go pitter patter.  I’m not a woodworker and although I love to paint furniture, I can’t say I’m artistic enough to do any decorative painting. 

But, I can sew! 

I sketched up a simple lemonade stand that I knew I could make out of pvc pipe and fabric

I’m in love with chalkboard fabric!  It sews like oilcloth and wipes off like a chalkboard.

I even made a simple bunting to go along the skirt. I made the stand the same width as our card table.  The kids set their goodies up behind the stand, on the table.

I had grand plans to stage this with pink lemondae and really cute sugar cookies.  Sadly, I never got that far.  My kids did, however, spend several summer afternoons selling chocolate chip cookies and Smucker’s Lemonade from Costco.
Fall is in the air and it’s time to put the lemonade stand away for the year.
Happy end of Summer, friends.
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