Fall on the Front Porch


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Today was the day to turn my front porch into fall. My next door neighbor came out and said, “Can’t you wait until October to do that? When you put out your fall decorations I know that Summer is officially over.”


Nope. No more waiting. It rained every day last week and our high temperatures are in the 60’s. I had hot cocoa yesterday. Fall may not officially arrive until the 21st, but it sure feels like it’s already here.


Have you embraced Fall yet? Or are you still holding on to the last few days of Summer?


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The Comments

  • Pam @ diy Design Fanatic
    September 14, 2010

    Gorgeous! I love your front door wreaths! Today it is at least 90 degrees here in Charlotte, so it doesn't feel like fall yet, so I am holding off on re-doing the porch. I have started with a few things in the house & started the deck today! Can't wait to see what else you do!

  • southerninspirationsblog
    September 14, 2010

    What a beautiful fall entrance! I love the garland around the door and your choice of flowers on the table. The wreaths are beautiful too! Great Job!!


  • Denise
    September 15, 2010

    so beautiful and inviting!

  • Kristy
    September 15, 2010

    Very charming!

  • Allison
    September 15, 2010

    Looks great! I'm still holding out a little longer though I am itching to decorate. I have a feeling by the end of the week, all my stuff will be out!

  • Katie
    September 15, 2010

    I did my door yesterday. Must be in the air. Love it! 🙂

  • Kristi
    September 15, 2010

    Your fall front doors and porch are beautiful! 🙂

  • beeandboosmom
    September 15, 2010

    I can smell the hot cider from here!


  • Bette
    September 15, 2010

    You porch looks great! I once had a neighbour take my wreath off my door and tell me to wait until Sept 15th!

  • Curtis
    September 15, 2010

    What a beautiful front porch!! My wife and I put up our Fall decorations the weekend after Labor Day, and if one of my neighbors even would think of taking my wreath off of my door or gate or windows,,,, there would be trouble. We love fall and all of it's wonderful warm colors. So get out there and decorate I say…. let the neighbors talk!!!
    Blessings to you and yours
    Curtis & Sherrie

  • Angie
    September 15, 2010

    You did a great job! Your front porch is gorgeous! I am totally embracing fall coming and have been working on putting out my stuff too.

  • Mareen
    September 15, 2010

    I LOVE your wreaths! I love the apples on them! Looks great Becca!

  • Diane at Perfectly Imperfect Life
    September 16, 2010

    Boooo! You must be the reason it's raining her now! 🙂

    Of course, your house always looks great for fall, but I agree with your neighbor. You NEED to wait!

  • Denise
    September 19, 2010

    Thanks so much for linking to my Porch and Garden party.

    I have definitely started switching over to fall. And our highs this week will be up to 95. Ugh!!! I am longing for cooler temps – you have no idea. Your porch looks great and I love the twin wreaths on your red doors. Fabulous!