Farm Life

I’ve never made a secret of my desire to live on a farm.  I’ve convinced my hubby that Eastern Washington is definitely the place for us.  He’s agreed to move there, when the kids are out of school and we’re ready to become farmers.  I won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  I’m counting on my cousin and uncle to find a great deal on farm land for us, so the perfect home can just “happen” and we can actually make the move. 

There’s just something about wide open spaces that I love.  Well, I love the sunshine too.

Yesterday I asked him if he was ever going to let me have chickens (meaning that I want them now and I want to put them in my small backyard).  He said I could have chickens when we moved to the farm, but that the coyotes would probably eat them.  I guess I’ll be needing a really great barn to go along with my little farm house.  (By the way, anyone have any great ideas on how to build a cute farm house that is a rambler?  I’m assuming that we’ll be old and gray by the time we get around to this, so we’ll be looking for a single story home. I haven’t seen any rambler/farmhouse plans that I love.)

I think I’ll grow pumpkins and market to local elementary schools for field trips.  Of course, I’ll have chickens, bunnies, goats, 2 dogs, and a horse or two. 

I have big plans, friends.  Fortunately, my hubby is onboard so far. 

Happy dreaming!

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The Comments

  • Anonymous
    August 3, 2012

    Mine says he would go crazy with boredom although we never really do anything in the city now… I would love to live on a farm too Becca!

    Mona McDonald

  • Carla
    August 4, 2012

    Wonderful photos! Great Job!!

  • Sun Valley Homestead
    August 4, 2012

    Keep dreaming…that is what makes life exciting as well. We have a small little homestead and it keeps us very busy….11 chickens.

    Have a great weekend,

  • Rodger Ciliberto
    August 15, 2012

    I’m glad that you were able to convince your husband to live in the farm. I’m sure you will have a great experience, living in this wonderful place. Living in a farm is quite appealing for a lot of reasons like the wide, open spaces and the lush surroundings. I’m certain your kids would love it. I hope you can find a farm house soon! Good luck!