Garden Planning – It Might Be A Gardening First For Me!

I love to garden.  
Every year, right about this time, I start to go crazy.  I’m dying for the rain to stop, the ground to thaw, and the huge mud puddles to evaporate away.  I’m ready for the days to warm up a bit, the sun to come out, and I’m excited to get my hands dirty again.

I’m also really excited to not have to mop floor several times a day.  Thank you, very much Mr. Laboradoodle. (Rain + Dirt + Big Fluffy Dog = Mopping)

I’m always looking at garden plans, but I’m never much of a planner myself, when it comes to gardening.  That always surprises me about myself because I tend to be a planner, except when it comes to the garden.

When it comes to my garden, I plant whatever catches my eye at the garden center or replant whatever needs to be divided.
 This year, I think things will be different.
 I’ve been ordering seed catalogs and free planning guides online.  Over the past few weeks they’ve been arriving in my mailbox.  I do have to deal with taking myself off of their mailing lists after the catalogs arrive, but the small hassle is worth the large amount of inspiration.

This year, I know for sure what I want to plant.

I know the month I need to plant the seeds in.
I have a plan where I’d like to move any plants that need to be divided.

I even have a plan for those special little plants that don’t like our damp Springs and Early Summers.
I can’t wait to get started planting!

For now, I’ll have to settle for planning and dreaming.
But, it will be time for potatoes and peas before we know it, Friends.
Happy garden planning!

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The Comments

  • Nanna
    February 20, 2014

    I think it's Spring fever lol I droll over my gardening pinterest board & dream of so many things, I even want to keep a journal of the different birds that come through,spend more time on the porch , watching sunsets, hopefully there'll be more doing this year than dreaming lol!