Way back in 2008, I found this picture in my Country Gardens Magazine. It was on the cover, and I fell in love. This shed was simple, red (which I love), and just embraced the cottage garden feel. I needed this look in my garden.
This was the empty space where my hubby and I decided we could put a shed. It was an unused corner of our yard. This was the way it looked when we moved in. You could tell there was grass there at one time, but no plants or landscaping.
We had to level out the ground, by digging down about two feet. Digging out two feet of clay is not an easy job. Phew, it’s a good thing “we” are strong. Ok, I’ll fess up. I don’t think I ever lifted a shovel during phase one. My hubby and 10 year old did this part on their own. Then “we” built a short retaining wall to hold the fence up.
We found this shed, online, at costco.com. It was a screaming deal! It was under $1,000, with free delivery. If you’ve ever shopped for sheds, you know how expensive they can be.
Next, came paint. I thought a lovely lavender would be great…

Just kidding. That was just the primer. We actually went with a red shed and gray door, just the like the picture in the magazine.

This is what the shed area looked like once the shed was built.
We finished the shed, brought in dirt and sod, and left everything “as is” for the rainy season (which seems to be EVERY season in the Pacific Northwest).
On Monday, my kids and I revisited the “dream” picture from Country Gardens. I threw the magazine in my purse and we headed to Flower World.
I snapped this next picture with my phone before we started digging.
This one too… my hydrangeas filled in nicely over the year.
I didn’t even have to ask my kids to help out. They just grabbed their gloves and tools and started in. I set out the plants so they’d know the game plan. My son is one really strong kid! He used the pick axe to dig out the clay. Then, we unloaded the new soil so the plants would be happy. I love having a strong boy around the house! My daughter started planting. Usually, she loses steam after about 5 minutes. This time, she saw the project through until the very end.
I’ve always heard that it takes about 2-3 years for an area to really fill in, after it’s been planted. I have a feeling I’m going to love this shady little area of my yard!

I still need a window box for the shed and the fence needs some repair work and could really stand to be restained. Maybe next summer.

I think the best part of my little garden project is that this is now the view when you walk into the house. It’s the first window you see, when you come into the entryway. For the past 7 years, guests have walked in and looked at the ugly orange fence. Now, I have some landscaping and beautiful Annabelle hydrangeas to greet my friends.

I love the fact that we’ve turned this unused little side yard into a beautiful space, and my kids helped too!
The Comments
Oh Becca I love it!! You know I love garden sheds! I wanted to paint mine red too but Mr. B vetoed that (drat!) Keep us updated as the plants come into their own!
Now all you're missing is the chocolate lab laying on the grass!
Wow, it looks adorable — perfect dressed in red! We are working on a garden shed, too, but The Man is building it himself. And yes, we are doing this during the AZ summer. What's the saying — what doesn't kill you, makes you better. Well, I should be "SUPER" by the time this is finished….lol!
Great idea. I love it how you all got together to complete this beautiful goal!!
love the shed project, I have a dream picture I've been looking at for years too,lol!
sheds brisbane
You have given very beautiful Garden Shed pictures and also its information. I really appreciate your planting methods. Gardening is my hobby so this post is very helpful for gardening. I really thankful to you because its very useful for me and also other people who like gardening.
Pearly Craig
Backyard gardening! With such a spacious lot you can still accommodate another shed. What do you think?
Lovely indeed! The shed is the focal point of your garden. It is a nice sight seeing those little girl's love for gardening.
Looks phenomenal! Your kids just offered to help? Sign me up!
I love the fence and landscaping next to it.