A Good Find at Goodwill

I was so excited when I found this wooden bowl at Goodwill!  It was painted red and horribly scratched up.  A little sanding and some black spray paint, and my wooden bowl has a new life.  Not bad for $1.97!
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The Comments

  • Anonymous
    March 7, 2011

    It looks great but I have a question. Is it safe to put food directly on a surface that has been painted or spray painted?
    I saw your table too and I would love to do that to ours as it needs it badly but I have heard that the paint can leech into the foods and with young children I worry about them getting sick.

  • SugarberrySensations
    March 7, 2011

    That looks awesome! I love it! ;o)


  • tessie
    March 7, 2011


  • The French Family
    March 7, 2011

    the paint info is for items you will cook or microwave. As long as you don't put hot foods on it or heat it up there isn't any concern for food safety.

  • Farah Muzaffar
    March 8, 2011

    Absolulty not bad. it looks pretty…
    Hope you will enjoy your visit if you can spare a little bit to see some napkin folds