Herbs in the Garden

For the past 20 years I’ve been experimenting in the garden.  I’ve learned, the hard way, that veggies need lots of sun.  Unfortunately, the gardens I’ve had at my last two houses, have not had very much sun.  This year, I promised myself that I’d grow the things I know do well in my yard.  My garden is filled with herbs and I have lots of different potted herbs around my yard and on my deck.

I know that lavender spreads, so I usually buy a pretty plant at the nursery and keep it in a pot. The plant in the front is a yellow variety of lavender.  I can’t wait to see what it looks like.  I’m hoping this one grows quickly and I will need to move it to a bigger pot.

lavender herbs

I have two different varieties of oregano this year.  I planted a traditional oregano and a golden variety last year.  These plants have been extremely happy in my garden.  I think I have enough oregano to share with the whole neighborhood.

golden oregano herb


Parsley grows very well in my garden too.  I use parsley, in my cooking, when I feel like something needs a little color.  My bunny is a huge fan of parsley too, so she gets a handful once in a while too.


I’m just starting to use chives in my cooking.  I had always pictured chives on baked potatoes, but I’m starting to come around to using these oniony flavored stems in other dishes as well.

chives herbs

Lemon Balm is my newest herb.  I bought 4 small plants last year and they didn’t even grow as tall as the top of the planter.  Once the warm weather hit this year, these guys took off.  Lemon Balm is a relative of mint, so I planted them in their own container to reduce unwanted spreading.  I can’t wait to try this in salads and teas.


Last year’s Rosemary plant is still going strong!

Rosemary herb

Just because I love it, I planted another container with Oregano.  I really will be able to feed the whole neighborhood.

oregano herb

All of these herbs are leftovers from last year, so I didn’t even need to spend any money in my garden.  I have lots more to show you in another blog post. So many herbs, so little thyme.  Sorry.  It had to be done.

Happy planting!

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