Oh, how I love basil! I love the smell of it. I love to cook with it. I love the combination of basil and tomatoes. This herb just screams Summer to me! Around here, we can’t plant basil until mid to late June. It’s just too wet and it just rots if you plant it any sooner. I’ve never tried growing basil inside, but I thought I’d give it a try.
I have had this old pot sitting in my garage for a few years now. Sometimes we use it to grow paperwhites in the winter, but most of the time it sits empty. I love the color, but it’s just not MY color. I don’t have any greens in the house. Time for a little makeover.
I painted it up with chalkboard paint.
Then I planted and labeled it. My 9 year old said, “Mom, why are you writing Basil on the pot, when we can clearly see that it is basil.” He just doesn’t understand how chalkboard paint has changed the lives of so many in the blogging world.
It looks perfect in my kitchen and I get to smell it when we’re having dinner. What have you been working on this week? Link up! Let’s see those projects!!!
The Comments
Becca that turned out so cute!
Becca, I love basil, too and that pot is too cute!
Diane at Perfectly Imperfect Life
Clearly we need to have a chalkboard paint party one day and just paint everything in site!
I gave you an award on my blog, since you're my partner in crime: http://theperfectlyimperfectlife.blogspot.com/2010/05/versatile-blogger-award.html
Fern Valley Farm
This is super cute! I love anything with chalkboard paint, and this would be a great idea to keep the kids busy this summer. Just give them some flower pots, and let them do all the work for me! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
I just love your blog!It feels soooo homey 🙂 Which is a great thing!
Those pots are the cutest ever!
Are you on Twitter? I'll be tweeting about them!
Rebekah Greiman
I keep trying to enter my Mod Filing Cabinet but for some reason, it won't grab my picture off of the internet. I thought I would just leave the link here instead, just in case someone read this. It's a pretty simple and super cool project you can do to sass up your ugly filing cabinet!
I love the smell of basil. The pot is perfect painted with chalkboard paint. I love that stuff. Thanks for the fun party again.
Self Sagacity
clever idea with the chalk board paint so that you can change out what you're growing! Happy FF
Linda@Coastal Charm
Soooo CUTE! Thanks for hosting the party…I'm happy to find it:)
i love chalkboard paint… your planter is fab!
What a cute idea!! I haven't tried the chalkboard pain yet!!