Homemade Pesto

What do you do with a garden full of basil?
Make pesto, of course!
I made a big batch of pesto earlier in the week and I’ve been using it in recipes all week long.  We’ve been having pesto appetizers, pesto on sandwiches, and pesto on our pasta.  It’s so fresh and yummy!  I just love it!  Once my daughter got over the muddy green color, she fell in love.  My son loves any type of food you put in front of him, so it wasn’t a hard sell for him.

I’m sad to say, I can’t even share my pesto recipe with you.  It was one of those – a little of this, a little of that – type things.  I put as much basil into the food processor as I could fit, added garlic, olive oil, pine nuts, and Parmesan cheese.  I added salt to taste and called it good.  How’s that for a precise recipe?  Thankfully, we’ve had a pretty dry summer, so I’m sure there will be more basil to come!
Happy gardening!

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