That big dirt pile isn’t exactly moving itself! Well, it’s kind of moving itself because my hubby was shoveling away while I took my youngest to piano tonight. I don’t think I’ve even moved half of the dirt that he has. I’d say I’m still earning my keep though. I’ve been pretty sweaty and dirty the past few days.
My plants are so happy with their new outfits!
Never mind the fact that my stupid tulips are popping up, one at a time, or the fact that their petals are falling off. Remember, this post is not about my garden. It’s about the dirt, Friends.
While we were outside shoveling tonight, we heard a funny tapping sound. We spotted this little guy making a hole in our tree. Although he’s pretty cute, he is VERY annoying when he tries to attack the chimney or the siding of our house. This tends to happen at about 5:30 am, on a Saturday. I’m hoping Woody Woodpecker will find a new home.
Back to that dirt.
I absolutely cannot wait until I can get the rest of my garden planted. After the rainiest April on record in Seattle, we’re ready for some sunshine, warm soil, and time to get our hands dirty.
Happy digging!
The Comments
Terri Cheney
True story from my childhood. My mom was an RN and come her weekend off she meant to sleep in and nothing, not children or any one else better wake her up! So one spring morning there's a tap tap tap tap tap on the house. It was a big house, mind you and nowhere near Mama's bedroom but that tapping irritated her to pieces. She grabbed my daddy's shotgun and marched out the front door, shot at the bird! lol No bird was harmed, but Mr. Woody Woodpecker didn't peck away at the gable on the house again! And need I add that we children, though hardly frightened of her, did take more seriously her threats when she told us she wanted to sleep in?