The other day I was noticing how much I love the lighting in my backyard as the sun is going down. It makes me want to run outside and take pictures of anything and everything that grows in my yard. Then I remembered that I do that over and over again. Since no one at my house cares too much about the photos I take, I post them here. You, my friends, are the only people who really care what’s growing. Well, maybe you don’t really care, but I’m posting them anyway.
The strawberries at Biringer Farm are ripe for the pickin’, but mine are just babies. I will patiently water them and move them around my yard, chasing sunlight, until they are ripe.
My baby tomatoes are as cute as can be! This is the Sweet 100 variety and I can’t wait to eat them as a snack. I’m hoping I get to them before the little tomato monster in my house. My daughter eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Seriously, she eats a bowl of cherry tomatoes along with her yogurt in the morning. As much as I love tomatoes, they just aren’t a breakfast food in my book.
If anyone has any idea what this pretty flower is called, please let me know. I have forgotten the name but I love the way it blooms all Summer long. The hummingbirds love them too.
My cilantro is growing strong! I’ve already used some to make pico de gallo and added a bit to our BBQ chicken pizza.
Romaine lettuce is one of my favorite varieties of lettuce to grow each year. It’s almost ready and I can just about taste our chicken Caesar wraps.
Ooh, I love these pretty little flowers. This is a perennial geranium that was given to me by Carpooler Michelle. The dainty little flowers make me happy.
Snapdragons are one of my favorites! They usually don’t last too long in my yard. Between the kids and dog, they get knocked down pretty quickly. But, on the bright side, when they break off I take them inside for bouquets.
It’s not the whole yard, but this is the area that’s the prettiest when the sun is going down. I played around with my 50mm lens while I was out there. I’m still not sure if I like the level of blur in the background of most of the pictures. I guess it’s a personal preference, but I had a good time wandering around the yard and playing with my camera. Maybe I should start taking pictures of other people’s yards, so you don’t have to see mine all the time!
Happy gardening!
The Comments
I love your photos! Thanks for sharing. I love tomatoes too, but I agree, they are not for breakfast either.