My First Attempt at an E-Book


Hi Friends!  For the past few weeks I’ve been working on an e-book.  It should really be called an e-booklet because it’s not very big.  Our school district is not having the traditional “kindergarten fair” this year, where we meet parents and answer questions.  I thought an e-book might be a good way to share ideas with parents about kindergarten readiness.  I had  really grand plans of tons of links, lots of beautiful photos, personal stories, and ideas about kindergarten readiness.  Well, I got caught up in the research part (which I thought was really fun and interesting), and got sidetracked before I got to the fun part of adding photos and links.  So, my e-booklet is mostly stories and ideas, with a few links and photos. 
The non-kindergarten-fair is tomorrow.  Parents will be showing up to the district fair, hoping to meet their child’s kindergarten teacher but they will be greeted by community members and our principal instead.  It’s an interesting idea and I’m anxious to hear the response from families.  My hope is that parents will go to my school blog, hilltop and download the booklet.
Here’s my big favor…
If you have a few minutes, would you please check to see if the link works for you and is easy to figure out. I have the book on this blog, as well as my school blog.
Also, I’d love feedback, ideas to include, and any editorial comments you might have. I can always make changes to the booklet.  I have read and reread this booklet many times, but I’m sure I missed something.  I’d love to have you point out any errors before the parents of my future students read it.
Thanks so much for your help!

Check out these parties I like to link up to.

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The Comments

  • ~Heather
    January 22, 2011

    I cannot seem to access the book. I signed up for a Photobucket account, clicked the cover of your book – no luck. The Lulu button scares me with it's "Buy now" label. I think I need your password in order to view your book. Having my own account doesn't seem to do the trick. What am I doing wrong??

  • Becca
    January 22, 2011

    Grrr. I don't know. I'll see if Diane knows.

  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2011

    Hey…I will be there too!! ~K

  • Diane at Perfectly Imperfect Life
    January 22, 2011

    Okay, so I'm at the the theater waiting for my movie to start but let's see if I can help…click through on the LuLu link until you get to the page for your book and copy the url. Then go back to your blog edit page and look for the cover picture code. If the editor let's you set a link associated with the picture, then paste in the url that you saved before. If it doesn't, you'll need to change the code, in which case you should replace tthe photobucket url with your book's url.


  • beccaod
    January 23, 2011

    I was able to download it. I think its wonderful, I really liked the "Teaching Independence", something I hadn't really thought about. Thanks for sharing it!