The New Slow Cooker

Oh, the sadness! My beloved crockpot has cracked and it is broken! I can’t tell you how devastating life with be without…. what… what’s that you say…. a better crockpot out there?

As much as I loved this crockpot, when it came time to buy a new one, I was ready to try something new. I have shared several recipes and favorite features of my crockpot.  The things I loved about the crockpot shown above are size, ability to program, and the keep warm feature.  I would say I have used this at least once a week for the past three years.  Today I discovered it was cracked and no longer usable.

Here’s what I ended up purchasing, after lots of online shopping and reading of reviews.  This is a Hamilton Beach, 6 quart, programmable slow cooker. I ordered it on Amazon for $44.99.  It has a meat thermometer built into it, and it will actually turn itself to warm when the meat is cooked to the desired temperature.  My favorite feature is the locking handles and lid.  The handle snaps onto the lid, making it spill proof and easy to transport.  Are you wondering why I would be so excited to transport my crockpot?  Come springtime, we will LIVE down at the baseball field.  We will spend hours, upon hours, at baseball practice or games. We will be cold and hungry and SO HAPPY that mom fixed dinner before she left for work and then put the crockpot in the back of the car.  Yep, I’m thinking ahead.

Happy meal planning!

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The Comments

  • pam
    January 10, 2011

    I've had the same cream and blue country style crock pot for 20 years and it still is going strong. I finally broke down and bought a larger one like the top photo because I wanted a more contemporary looking one. I am planning on using it today to slow cook some meat. I hope it lasts as long as my old style one.
    Your new Hamilton Beach slow cooker is perfect for you. You are such a good mom thinking ahead!

  • Victoria
    January 10, 2011

    I love my crockpot too, it was a lifesaver when I worked fulltime. Nothing like walking in after a hard days work to the smell of simmering beef stew!!! We got a new one a few months ago but I didn't bother with the digital one this time cuz I'm home to turn it on/off. Yours is gorgeous!

  • Kim
    January 10, 2011

    Oh how fun!!!

    our crockpot came w/3 sizes of crocks 🙂 2,4 & 6 & I love that I can use it 3 days in a row w/o the fast scramble to scrub the crock (b/c sometimes they NEED to soak)

  • Allison
    January 10, 2011

    I had the same old crockpot as you but in white and mine cracked a few months ago. I asked for the exact same one though and got the one you have pictured for Christmas. I just loved it so decided to keep it!

  • Becca
    January 10, 2011


    You need to try the slow cooker liners. They make clean up so easy. Reynolds Wrap makes them.


  • gina3
    January 11, 2011

    I have the same one as our old one but we just got it a few months ago. I love it. I hope it lasts 3 years like yours did. It's great! We use it all the time.

  • StaceyJeannette
    January 11, 2011

    Enjoy the new cooker! I also have one something like your old one, plus another 10 yr. old cooker that is still going strong. I love crockpot meals!

  • ~Heather
    January 12, 2011

    I will never forget registering for and receiving a crock pot for our wedding 15 years ago. Low and behold, we opened the box and discovered an, oh, I'd say 1972-ish, new in the box, olive green 1 piece crock pot from KMart. This was pre-bar code, so there was really no way of knowing exactly how old it was. Needless to say, K Mart wouldn't let me return it. It has to go in the hall of fame of classic re-gifts. Enjoy your new fancy crock pot!

  • Rachel
    January 12, 2011

    Mmm – I'm definitely craving a good crockpot recipe right now

  • Teresa
    January 13, 2011

    I love my crockpot and could not live without it! I can totally relate to your new crockpot excitement and how perfect it will be to take dinner on the run come baseball season.