Quilted Pin Cushions

I’m kind of in love with these little pin cushions.  I signed up for the Craftsy class with Camille Roskelley.  In the class, she made a cute little pin cushion.  I loved the one she made, but I really wanted to design my own. 

I designed three different blocks, quilted the tops, and filled them with crushed walnut shells.  Everyone has crushed walnut shells sitting around their house, right? No, actually, Camille told me me that little trick.  They sell crushed walnut shells in pet supply stores.  It’s used in bird cages.

I have several different types of pins that I use when I sew.  I decided that if I made three pin cushions, I could organize my pins by type…

Hmmm. Suddenly, the letters O, C, and D just popped into my head.

In my last post, I shared that my BFF, Camille, (ok, in reality she has no idea who I am) has inspired me to try my hand at quilting again.  You see, I love the piecing and designing aspects of quilting, but I’ve never been a fan of quilting.  As a matter of fact, I usually always send my quilts out to be quilted by a professional.  I claim that it’s because I just can’t stand squishing a big quilt through a tiny machine, but my lack of artistic ability may play a tiny roll in this.  I can’t draw to save my life, and quilting is very much like drawing or doodling. With Camille Roskelley as my inspiration (she said something in one of her books about how much she loves the process of quilting) I tried several different quilting techniques on these little pin cushions.

We won’t show any close ups of the quilting, but I’ll say I had fun giving it a shot!

I’m off to organize my pins!

Happy sewing!

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The Comments

  • Roberta
    November 23, 2013

    Love the colors and design! This would be a great project to take along on a trip! I would like to try hand quilting sometime but don't think I'd have the patience for a large piece. ~Roberta