Reorganizing the Book Nook

Well, hello there, little label maker… It’s been such a long time since we’ve seen each other! Are you ready to help me with a little project?


(I tried to put a halo-like-glow around it. Can you tell?)


My kids and I spent some quality time going through the bookshelf on Sunday evening. We weeded out many of the books that the kids have outgrown. Once we reduced the amount of books on the shelf, we were ready for a little reorganizing. As a kindergarten teacher, my classroom library is organized into thematic bins. I have about 50 little bins in my classroom.

classroom library

I don’t quite have that much space in our home library nook. The label maker was my best friend for this project.


I decided to divide the books the same way I do in the classroom. We sorted the books into piles and then made a section on each shelf. Since I don’t have enough room for the number of bins I’d like, I just used my label maker to label each section. I’d like to do little pictures, like I do in my classroom. That will have to be a project for another day.


We had a lot of Dora books, so they got their own bin. Arthur books were pretty popular so they got a bin too. I have bins for a few chapter book series, but the rest of the books are just on the shelves, sorted by category.

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Shall we take bets on how long this lasts?

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The Comments

  • Jessica
    October 26, 2010

    I love it, I have considered doing something similiar to this many times. I always decide against it though, bc with a 9, 4, and 1 year old, I know it won't last. I try to keep them organized by author and I keep the seasonaly relevent pulled out as much as I can… but we, like you, have sooo many books!

  • Farah Muzaffar
    October 26, 2010

    Very organizing Becca, the tags are perfect and very cute too, its something very practical…
    I would love if you peek on to my new little post..Love

  • Kim
    October 26, 2010

    I love it.. wish I had the space!

  • Shana
    October 26, 2010

    I love this idea! We have recently moved into a new house and I have been working on the organizing of all my kids toys etc. Why have I never thought to do this with books- the whole like kinds together thing- makes perfect sense! Thanks for the inspiration- I will get to working on it 🙂

    Glad to find you blog

  • Stacey
    October 26, 2010

    Woow wooooww Becca, you're bookshelf looks like a library! I keep out books behind doors and for good reason LOL! My daughter is a speed reader and reads about 6-10 books/night…so she always has a pile…drives me crazy. (at first when we'd find all the books on the end of her bed, we thought she was just picky, then she told us she'd read them all???? we have reading contests and she blows me out of the water!!! Just maybe, I might tag this to my VERY LONG get organized list : ) Thanks again for the inspiration!!! ~Stacey

  • Denise
    October 27, 2010

    Love these photos- our house is filled with bookshelves! Never too many books.

    I notice you are on blogger- I have a question for you. I tried to upload photos today to my post and a message came up saying I have used all my photo space and will need to buy more. You post a lot of photos- do you have to pay for extra space??

    Not sure what I should do… Thanks

  • Splurgie
    October 28, 2010

    I'm a librarian. I'm totally impressed. Gosh! I'm pleased when people have books and bookshelves in their homes. You wouldn't believe how many people don't have a book in the house. Your kids are very lucky!

  • Carmie of the Single Nester
    October 29, 2010

    Great job on the Book Nook. Everyone needs a labelmaker and their own Nook!

  • Leanne
    November 4, 2010

    I love the angelic label maker. The organized Book Nook looks great. Thanks for joining We're Organized Wednesday.