Snow Day and My New Cookie Press

The Friday that school was ready to end for the Winter Holiday, we had a sudden snow day. The weather man told is it was coming, so we sent our teacher gifts to school on Thursday, in case school was canceled.  I woke up at 2am and checked outside.  No snow.  Then, at 5:15, the phone rang and it was the automated system telling us that school was cancelled.  It had snowed a few inches in a very short time and the snow was still coming.  
Suddenly, my crazy-busy-jam packed day became the greatest Christmas gift I could possibly be given.   There were Christmas cookies baking, music playing, snowball fights happening, and the happiest kids I could imagine.  My stress level melted (just like the snow would by later in the day).
Spritz cookies were up on our list of cookies for the neighbors. 

I had eager helpers too.


Spritz are super simple, and the kids love to do these on their own.

Speaking of Spritz, I have a fabulous new product to share with you!  My cookie press broke earlier this year, so I needed a replacement.  This was the first time I tried my new one and I LOVE it!  It’s the Cuisinart ELECTRIC cookie press.  Honestly, my kids got to do this more than I did because they thought it was really cool and kept asking if they could have a turn. You can’t see the cord in the picture, but it plugs in and does the work for you.  This may sound lazy, but the manual-hand cranked cookie press just never seems to produce even cookies for me.  The electric cookie press is no-fail.

I was rather impressed with this fun little product.  It was the same price as the manual cookie presses that I was looking at, but it worked so much better than my old one.

Pretty cookies for the neighbors make me happy. 

Nothing makes me happier than a snow day, unless it’s a snow day and I get to play with my new kitchen toys!

Happy baking! 

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The Comments

  • Diane Jordan
    January 2, 2014

    Hi lovely lady.
    Your cookies look so yummy. I would like to wish you and your family a Happy
    2014 New Year"""