Well, today was one of those rare Seattle days where the weather man said it would be cloudy with… wait for it…. sunbreaks! I don’t know if sunbreaks is a term used in other parts of country, but if you aren’t familiar with this, I’ll explain. You see, we dress in layers around here. Today was a capris, t-shirt, and fuzzy sweatshirt kind of day. Most of the day I needed a fuzzy sweatshirt, but once in a while the sun would break through the clouds (thus the name Sunbreaks) and I would happily take off my sweatshirt and soak up the vitamin D. Then the clouds would come back and I’d put the sweatshirt back on.
Well, since the forecast was for temperatures in the 50’s and sunbreaks, I decided it was time to tackle a little spring yard clean up. I usually don’t have Tuesdays off, but my teaching partner asked if I could swap.
I spent most of the day weeding. Ugh. I don’t think anyone really loves weeding, do they?

I took a few minutes to snap a few tulip pictures. (No need to drive an hour North to the Tulip Festival! I have 2 or 3 in my own garden.)

If you aren’t from around here, and don’t know what the Tulip Festival is, it’s really an amazing sight. There are rows and rows of tulips, as far as you can see. The colors are stunning.
So, my 3 little tulips really don’t compare.
I played in the yard until it started raining (so much for sunbreaks) and then took a break and went inside. When my kids came home from school, the sun found its way out again, so the kids helped in the yard too. My son mowed and my daughter helped plant a few cold weather seeds, lettuce starts, and potatoes in the garden. I usually begin the yard clean up and cold weather planing in March, but this year the whole kidney surgery thing set me back. (And then I had to spend a week recouping in Maui after that!) It’s late, but we’re off to a good start.
The Comments
Lisa @ Texas Decor
I live in Texas, and I would gladly trade a few sunny days for your grey ones. I LOVE rainy weather! I'm really loving your brick wall retainer in front of your flower beds. I've always wanted to do that. Have you ever tried Preen for weeds? I did an entire post about it, I love it so much. 🙂 I don't have a vegetable garden, but I'm growing some tomato plants in pots and have my first lemon tree this year.
Emmy Surface
I love tulips! In Holland, Michigan they have a great Tulip Festival. It's amazing!