Thin Mint Brownies – Using Herbs From My Garden

It’s no big secret that I love to garden.  Herbs are definitely my favorite things to grow.  I use fresh herbs all the time in my cooking.  Last year I ran across a chocolate mint plant at the garden center.  CHOCOLATE MINT, friends!  I decided to plant them in planters on my deck for a couple of reasons.

1.  Mint will overtake everything!  I knew it needed to be in a container so it wouldn’t get out of control.
2.  It would smell wonderful, in the summer, when we’re sitting on the deck.
3.  Anytime you brush up against fresh herbs, you can smell them.
4.  It’s a very sunny spot on my deck.

(Side story:  Since we’ve moved into our house, the tree directly behind us has gotten huge.  It’s not our tree, so I can’t cut it down.  It would be so nice to have that tree gone because my garden is not getting nearly enough sun! At least the pots on my deck still get plenty of sunshine!)

Back to the chocolate mint…

I cut a few sprigs for this recipe.

I infused the milk and the melted butter  for this recipe with the chocolate mint, and let them sit for about an hour.  I made a big batch of the minty milk so that I could use some later in milk shakes.  The recipe for this came from Six Sister’s Stuff, although I did not use peppermint extract.  I just used the herbs from my garden to add the flavor.

Once the brownies were cooled and cut, I garnished the plate with a few more chocolate mint sprigs.

We took this platter to a party over the weekend.  Served with vanilla ice cream is definitely the way to go!

Just so you’re prepared, this recipe calls for 6 eggs!  Yes, you read that correctly.  It also requires several sticks of butter, so stock up!

Happy baking!
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