This Is The Way To Shop!

We got home pretty late on Sunday night, from our trip to Eastern Washington.  Of course, we needed some groceries on Monday morning.  Bright and early the milk man arrived with our hormone/antibiotic free milk and eggs.  We started using Smith Brothers last month.

Then we headed down the hill to Stocker Farms.  I have been making a weekly trip down there since they opened a few weeks ago.  I love the fresh, local, produce.  The flavors of the fruits and veggies are so pure.  My kids even comment that they notice a difference between grocery store produce and local produce.

Our fridge is filled with veggies.

My family LOVES fruit, so we stocked up on that too!

THIS is the way to shop, friends.  All we needed at the grocery store was a loaf of bread and some bagels.  If you haven’t caught the “local” bug yet, it’s time to give it a try!

Happy shopping!

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The Comments

  • Kim
    August 4, 2011

    Ok, I had to laugh at that last bit! Becca NEEDED to go to the store for BREAD??? 🙂

    It's funny because when I think bread I think of you, because when I make bread it's from the recipe I found here.

    Good to see you don't make everything all the time. I feel more human when I head off to buy something at the store.

    Seriously I just want to move up there and be neighbors!! 🙂

  • Coley
    August 6, 2011

    I LOVE buying fresh, local produce. So great for so many reasons 🙂