Another Quilt Finished

When I first started this quilt, I pictured a 4th of July picnic.  Red, white, blue, and gingham just scream patriotic picnic, don’t they?

Little did I know, that it would take me forever and a day to actually complete my quilt.  Now, the  quilt I pictured set up outdoors, with red geraniums in the background, is going to have to be a winter quilt.  

In about a week I’ll be getting down my snowman collection.  Most of them have red and blue clothes, so maybe the quilt will tie in.

I’ll just keep telling myself to ignore the “swirls and stars” quilting that I thought would be so perfect with red, white, and blue.

Think snowmen.  Think snowmen.  Think snowmen.

Happy quilting!

P.S. I’m starting my summer quilts now, so they’ll be done by summer!

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